The reinforcement plans have been determined in this article, which in foundation of analysis massive calculation data, and overall evaluation crosswise and vertical rigidity change. 在分析大量计算数据的基础上,综合考虑梁体横向和竖向刚度的变化,确定了较为合理的加固方案。
A neural network based on connectivity mechanism is characterized by massive parallel functioning, massive connectivity, distributive storage, high non-linearity, high tolerance of errors, changeable structure, and non-precision of calculation. 以联接机制为基础的神经网络具有大量的并行性、巨量的互连性、存储的分布性、高度的非线性、高度的容错性、结构的可变性、计算的非精确性等特点。
It is found that the equal heat flux of outside surface of massive wall when calculation is simplified is better than equal temperature as the boundary condition. 发现在简化计算时,重质墙体外表面等壁温的假定与真实情况相差很大,等热流密度的简化边界条件较合适;
The discontinuous deformation analysis ( DDA), a new discrete numerical simulation method, incorporates both the massive dynamic theory and the numerical analysis, so as to make a static and dynamic calculation of the massive body. 非连续变形分析(DDA)是最近发展起来的一种新的离散数值分析方法,该方法基于块体的运动学理论及数值分析,可以开展块体的静力和动力学计算。
Through massive calculation by finite element, this paper analysed the settling pattern and factors of embankment of widen road. 本文通过有限元理论计算,分析了旧路加宽改造后路基的沉降规律及影响因素;
With the massive concrete structures widely used in the engineering, the temperature field and the corresponding calculation of thermal stress has become one of the key factors in the civil engineering studies. 随着大体积混凝土结构在土木工程中的广泛应用,设计和施工中的温度场及相应温度应力的计算或控制也成为土木工程中的研究重点之一。
The advantage of this method is making full use of the characteristics of high-precision A stable implicit Taylor series method to design, and avoiding the extra massive calculation for implementing variable step in the process. 该方法的优点是充分利用隐式调谐Taylor级数法的特点,避免了为实现变步长而额外增加很多计算量。
Provide an analysis platform to determinate refrigerant charging quantity for the CO2 air-conditioning system avoiding the massive experiments and the tedious theoretical calculation. 3. 为CO2车用空调系统最佳制冷剂充注量的确定提供了分析平台,避免了大量的实验和繁琐的理论计算。
Through the LQ wastewater treatment projects massive primitive financial data sorting, calculation and analysis to the project, analysis and evaluation of financial feasibility, concluded that financial appraisal conclusion. 通过对LQ污水处理项目大量原始财务数据的整理、计算与分析,对该项目的财务可行性进行分析与评价,得出较为可靠的财务评估结论。
As a new type of computer which simulates the thinking of brain, Neural Network is a massive Self-adapt nonlinear calculation system. 神经网络作为模仿人脑思维运算的新一代处理机,是一种大规模自适应非线性运算系统,具有对发电机组轴系进行建模的潜质。
Currently, kinds of target network selection schemes with QoS indexes are piled. Though it does some improvement on handover accuracy, massive calculation is not beneficial to energy-limited terminals. 现如今各种根据QoS指标选择目标网络的方案层出不穷,虽然切换的准度有所提高,但大量的计算对电源有限的移动终端是不利的。
With massive introduction of 3D display methods on mobile terminals, the requirement of 3D modeling and corresponding calculation grows rapidly. 随着移动终端三维显示技术的大量引入,对于三维建模和相应的三维计算技术的需求迅速增长。
In the face of massive real time data traffic, traditional calculation model cannot satisfy the requirement. 面对极大的实时数据流量,传统计算模型不再能满足需求。
This integration does not need high hardware performance, only using multiple single compute of lower cost to simulate massive supercomputers which can be successful to achieve fast data calculation. 这种整合不需要较高的硬件性能,可以以较低成本的单个计算机模拟超级计算机来实现巨量数据的快速计算。
By virtue of high-density storage and massive parallelism in DNA sequences, the calculation model has showed a great advantage in solving complex combinatorial optimization problems and NP hard problems. 这种计算模式凭借着DNA序列的强大存储密度和高度并行性,在求解一些复杂的组合优化问题及NP困难问题时显示出了极大的优势。